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Local Solutions
Fiber optic communication is no longer just for the large telecom companies. We offer a variety of options from a single fiber business connection to large residential PON deployments. The benefits of fiber include reduced environmental footprint, huge bandwidth, increased reliability, and the ability to scale into future needs at great distances. Fiber optic communications is the future and the future is now!

100 Mbps
Fiber Plan
Fast Fiber
Fast Fiber Internet For Average Users

Fiber Plan
Blazing Speed!
The Gold Standard for Today's High Bandwidth User!
Gigabit Speeds are typically 940/880Mbps Wired.
WiFi Speeds Vary in Dynamic Environments

Fiber Plan
Sceaming Speed!!
Limited Availability - First Come- First Serve
*2-Gig plans available in most areas - With Limitations
$299 Installation Fee.
Must have Multi-Gig Networking for 2-Gig Speeds

Home Phone
Over VoIP
Keep your old number (Where permitted)
*W/Internet Bundle - $39.99 W/O Internet
Business Phone Lines Available for Additional Fee

Cable Television
Built-in Capability (Future)
We're Working On It

The Service
Fiber optic Internet is the same internet you are used to, only faster. Your Internet experience will improve drastically with much faster upload and download speeds, and greater reliability. The choice of plans gives you the option of 100 Megabits per second (Mbps) or Gigabit service. You can stream high-bandwidth services like Netflix, HULU, Amazon, YouTube and more without that annoying lag or buffering. Of note with fiber optic service, your upload speed will be the same as your download speed, called symmetrical service, which is something most current providers simply can not offer on their older copper based networks.
Additional Services
VoIP Telephone
Internet is only one of the many services that can be provided simultaneously over a fiber optic network. You will have the option to keep your home phone service, most likely to include your existing number, over our crystal clear fiber network. Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone offers cost savings and service improvement over legacy telephone systems. We can provide you with a basic FXS port to plug your regular telephone in to, or a dedicated VoIP system that can make teleconferencing and business meetings a snap for the work-from-home professional.
Cable Television - (Future Integration)
There continues to be interest in a traditional Cable Television package. Once we have enough interest in a dedicated telivision network we will determine the best provider for our users. We’ve made progress on finding multiple distribution partners willing to work with us.